The Difference In Delta 8 And CBD

In the evolving landscape of cannabinoids, two compounds have been making waves and capturing attention. These two compounds are Delta 8 THC and CBD. In this blog we are going to unravel the mystery of these compounds, and understand their unique properties and potential benefits. As we go through the molecular structures, legality, and therapeutic potentials of Delta 8 THC and CBD, you'll hopefully have a clearer understanding of these compounds and also be better equipped to make informed choices that align with your individual wellness goals. 

Understanding CBD 

CBD is a non intoxicating cannabinoid found within the cannabis plant. Unlike its counterpart, THC, CBD doesn't induce a high commonly associated with marijuana use. CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, a complex network of receptors found throughout the human body, to produce a range of potential therapeutic effects. The potential benefits researched in CBD has led to its incorporation into various products, including oils, tinctures, edibles, and topicals.

The research into the potential health benefits of CBD is ongoing, with studies suggesting its effectiveness in managing conditions such as anxiety, chronic pain, inflammation, and even epilepsy. CBD's growing popularity is largely attributed to its safety profile, as it does not produce the psychoactive effects associated with THC. CBD has emerged as a promising compound, offering a gentle option for those looking to enhance their overall well being without the psychoactive nature linked to cannabis consumption.

Understanding Delta 8 

Delta 8 THC is a minor cannabinoid that shares a close chemical structure with its counterpart, delta 9 THC. The key distinction lies in the placement of a double bond in the molecular structure. This subtle variation results in differences in both the psychoactive effects and legal status of the two compounds.


 Delta 8 THC is reported to deliver a milder psychoactive experience compared to delta 9 THC, making it an option for individuals seeking a less intense euphoria. Users often describe the effects of delta 8 THC as offering relaxation and mental clarity without the overwhelming sensations and potential anxiety associated with higher concentrations of delta 9 THC.

The Legality of Delta 8 and CBD 

Delta 8 

In recent years, delta 8 THC has gained popularity as a legal alternative in regions where THC remains prohibited. Since it is derived from hemp, delta 8 THC is legal under the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized hemp and its derivatives as long as they contain less than 0.3%  THC content. As a result of the farm bill, consumers are exploring delta-8 THC products without the legal and psychoactive concerns associated with traditional cannabis. 


Since the 2018 Farm Bill legislation allowed for the production and sale of a wide range of CBD products, individual state laws may impose additional restrictions. Internationally, the legality of CBD varies widely, with some countries embracing it for medicinal purposes and others maintaining more stringent restrictions. As the CBD market continues to expand, staying informed about the legality of hemp derived products in your specific location is crucial to making informed choices regarding the purchase and use of CBD products.

The Potential Therapeutic Benefits of Delta 8

Some users report that Delta-8 may provide appetite stimulation. A study done with mice found that when given a low dose, they saw a 16% increase in food intake. Also, its antiemetic properties make it a candidate for mitigating nausea associated with various medical conditions and treatments, offering potential relief for patients undergoing challenging therapies.

In addition to its effects on appetite and nausea, Delta 8 has shown promise in other therapeutic areas. Recent Studies suggest potential analgesic properties, indicating a role in pain management, which could be significant for individuals dealing with chronic pain conditions. Delta 8 has been reported by some users to produce a more clear headed experience compared to regular THC. This could be potentially useful for mood disorders, although further research is needed in this area.

The Potential Therapeutic Benefits of CBD

One of the most widely studied therapeutic aspects of CBD is its role in pain management. Since CBD interacts with the Endocannabinoid system, it can potentially help with mediating pain and reducing inflammation. Numerous clinical studies have suggested its efficacy in alleviating chronic pain associated with conditions such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and neuropathy. Research also indicates that CBD holds great potential in the treatment of neurological disorders such as epilepsy. The FDA has approved Epidiolex, a CBD based medication, for the treatment of certain types of seizures. 

A study published in the journal “Frontiers in Pharmacology” in 2017 investigated the impact of CBD on sleep in a rodent model. The findings suggested that CBD increased total sleep time, demonstrating potential CBD’s positive impact on a healthy sleep cycle.  The therapeutic potential of CBD is evolving, with ongoing research shedding light on its diverse applications across various medical conditions. 

Another potential benefit worth noting is the positive correlation between CBD and anxiety. For example, in a clinical trial done in the August of 2022 by J Clin Psychiatry participants were given CBD for 12 weeks on a fixed schedule. The primary outcome was improvement in anxiety severity among participants. These findings suggest that CBD can reduce anxiety in people with anxiety disorders, even if those disorders are treatment resistant.


Categories Of Delta 8 Products 

If you were to take interest in seeing what delta 8 can do for your benefit, you would find that there are many different ways to take Delta 8. Since the passing of the 2018 farm bill, there’s been a mass proliferation of delta 8 products on the market. If you want to smoke and inhale delta 8, you can get delta 8 in cartridges and hemp flower. Delta 8 gummies and edibles are becoming another increasingly popular way to take delta 8 in a concise dose. Here at Discover CBD we pride ourselves in our delicious Strain Snob delta 8 gummies.

Another type of delta 8 product you would find is the topical category. If you are dealing with any surface area pain or inflammation, a delta 8 lotion or salve could potentially help alleviate the discomfort. At Discover CBD we carry a 500 mg Delta 8 salve in our Strain Snob brand. A Delta 8 salve is reported by many users to deliver a comforting and warming sensation. This unique characteristic sets it apart from other traditional topicals and contributes to its perceived soothing effects. The warming sensation is often attributed to the interaction of Delta 8 THC with the receptors in the skin.

Categories Of CBD Products

What is Isolate, Broad Spectrum, And Full Spectrum CBD?

If you were to look for a CBD product today, you would find that there are different types of CBD products. These three types can be broken down in what is known as isolate CBD, broad spectrum CBD, and full spectrum CBD. Isolate is a pure form of CBD and contains no other compounds found in the hemp plant. Broad spectrum does contain other compounds and cannabinoids from the hemp plant, but without the THC content. Finally, full spectrum CBD contains the full extract of the hemp plant, along with all the compounds, cannabinoids, and 0.3% or less of THC that occurs naturally in the hemp plant.

Different Ways To Experience CBD

Just like delta 8, CBD has a large world of different methods of consumption when it comes to finding how CBD can potentially benefit you. For instance, one of the most popular ways people can take CBD is through a tincture. The dropper in a tincture allows for precise administration under the tongue, where the CBD can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. If you are looking for a great full spectrum tincture to try, we have our very own Active 300mg Full Spectrum tincture! 

CBD gummies and capsules are also an incredibly popular way to take CBD, especially for people who want a longer duration of CBD in the body, without having to worry about measuring out a precise dose like you would a tincture. Like delta 8, you can get topicals that contain CBD in them for surface area pain and inflammation. The world of CBD products is ever-increasing and continues to thrive with each passing year and study outlining CBD’s potential therapeutic benefits. 

Wrapping Up

Combining CBD and Delta 8 THC  has also gained popularity among users seeking to maximize the potential benefits of the entourage effect. The entourage effect is a synergistic interaction between various cannabis compounds, such as cannabinoids and terpenes, which can enhance the overall therapeutic effects of the plant. By incorporating both CBD and Delta 8, users aim to harness the diverse range of compounds found in the cannabis plant to achieve a more comprehensive and balanced experience.

Now that the difference between delta 8 and CBD has been highlighted, hopefully the way is clear in understanding what makes these two compounds so amazing in their potential benefits and applications. With all there is to know now about both CBD and delta 8, the landscape will continue to grow for years to come. With all the different categories of CBD and delta 8, there’s plenty of different applications and uses that someone can experiment with to find their preferred method of taking both compounds. 

#cbd#cbdgummies#tincturesBroad spectrumCbd gummiesCbd topicalsDelta 8Full spectrumIsolateOther cannabinoids

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