Introducing a New Marketing Director-- Jackie Alcon

My name is Jackie Alcon and I am the Marketing Director at Discover CBD. I will be bringing a unity to the marketing department across franchises as well as within our corporate location. This means franchisee’s will now have a dedicated person to assist them with marketing for their individual locations while ensuring all marketing efforts support the overall brand image of the company.

Man, Woman, Black and White

My path to this role was not the typical route for a marketing professional; I come from a strong background in journalism. A Colorado native, my earliest memories consists of moments spent in newsrooms with my parents; sometimes arguing with reporters in the break room, mixing chemicals in the darkroom to develop pictures from sporting events I shot with my mom, even making paper dolls under the cutting table with the scraps of column inches that didn’t make it to print. From that early age I became fascinated with sharing the stories of others and correcting the injustices of the world. Fairly lofty goals for a marketing director, however, I believe I have now found a company where I can achieve those goals in a way that was not readily apparent.

Everyone has a story to tell as they find their way to a healthy lifestyle. Some are escaping from the intense feelings of physical conditions, others may be dealing with unseen conditions, still others are simply trying to age gracefully and maintain a high quality of life. Whatever the path that brought an individual to CBD and in turn our products I understand that there will be a long road of clearing misconceptions ahead of them. Inferior products that are made simply for a quick profit, varied laws, muddy regulations are just a few of the challenges facing franchisees. (as well as customers.) I will work to share the message and mission of our organization with those who are interested in trying something new.

Manitou Incline, Staircase, Trees

My professional experience to date has included print, radio, television, and online journalism. This perspective helps me engage in effective listening skills. Whether I am listening to the stories of our customers, the goals of our company, or the experiences of franchisees I am then able to use that information to improve the quality of our experiences. My experience in television news producing specifically helped develop my abilities in visual storytelling as well as in crafting press releases and other informational documents that will help increase brand awareness as it spreads nationwide.

Pikes Peak, Rearview Mirror, Shiba

Family is a very important part of my life. Living in Colorado has its benefits, and I enjoy spending time with my husband, son, and two dogs—we are outside as much as possible exploring amazing places in our own back yard. Growing up I got the best of both worlds, Colorado mountains and the California coastline. The peace that can be found by enjoying the outdoors is a gift that I hope others can experience, especially when our products may help them overcome some of the challenges holding them back.   

People, Mountain

I now feel as though I have inherited a new family through Discover CBD and I look forward to working with all of you as our organization continues to grow.    

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