"Clean-up, Clean-up, Everybody Everywhere!" : March 23rd Palmer Park Trail Clean up with Discover CBD
by Lucas Bankston March 11, 2019
"Clean-up, Clean-up, Everybody do your share!"
Come and join the Discover CBD Team for our Palmer Park Cleaning Day!
The Discover CBD Team is organizing on Saturday, March 23rd at 12:00 pm to devote 4 hours to picking up trash and litter that has accumulated in Palmer Park. We would love to have members from the community come out and show support for what we all know is important to our city. Keeping Colorado clean requires our input and energy. What better way to fight back against humanity's bad habits than to mitigate our own impact locally?
The first 25 volunteers will receive free CBD lip balms, t-shirts, and more! Discover CBD also gives all donations to Conservation Colorado, which has been a beacon for local environmentalism for decades. Help us keep moving forward as the shining example of stewardship that Colorado has always been.
We will be assembling at noon and staying until around 4:00 pm. We will also be bringing compostable bags for trash and compostable cups for our water station. Anyone who would like to join can come whenever it is most convenient and stay for as little or as long as you would like! Feel free to reach out to us with any questions that you have and we hope to see you there!
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It might be difficult to accept change, especially if you found products you already love using. However we encourage everyone to be patient and believe that you may find even better results with some of these THC alternatives.
If you have a loved one with Autism, and you're looking for new possibilities regarding them taking CBD, you've stumbled across the blog for you! This blog delves into the topics of CBD and Autism, and how CBD may be able to help with Autism Symptoms. Even if you don't have a loved one with Autism, it's always good to explore the potential benefits regarding the use of CBD.