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How CBD Oil Works in Our Body

CBD works by interacting with numerous receptors in our body. CBD targets receptors in the brain, and other major biological systems. When we talk about health, or the definition of health, we’re referring to your body being in a state of perfect balance, or homeostasis. One of the primary systems in our body that is responsible for regulation is the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the messaging system that helps send signals through the body, and plays a role in maintaining your health (homeostasis). There are three parts to the endocannabinoid system. 1. Endocannabinoids. 2. Receptors. 3. Enzymes. There are also two cannabinoid receptors, CB1 in the central nervous system, and CB2 in the peripheral nervous system. When something is off in our bodies the endocannabinoids travel to the endocannabinoid receptors to help regulate, and maintain homeostasis. THC acts mainly on the cannabinoid system in the body, whereas CBD on the other hand interacts with multiple receptors, therefore has a much broader impact on our systems. On top of helping to modulate cannabinoid receptors, CBD can also impact dopamine receptors which regulate mood and potentially addiction, Opioid receptors that regulate pain, and Serotonin receptors that regulate mood, anxiety, and addiction.


Breaking down Endocannabinoids, Receptors, and Enzymes

Research shows that the endocannabinoid system helps regulate about 15 major bodily functions such as appetite, digestion, bone growth, cardiovascular function, chronic pain, inflammation and other immune system responses, learning and memory, liver function, metabolism, mood, motor control, muscle formation, reproductive system, skin and nerve function, sleep, and stress.


(Endogenous cannabinoids) are naturally occurring, lipid-based neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the body that send signals between nerve cells.


(cannabinoid receptors) are on the surface of all cells throughout the body. Endocannabinoids attach, or bind to the receptors, which then send messages to the ECS to kickstart a response.


Are responsible for breaking down the endocannabinoids after they carry out the necessary response.

How long does it take for CBD Oil to work?

Since everyone receives CBD differently, there is no right, or wrong answer to this question. Something to consider when asking this question….. How strong and what quality is the CBD you’re taking? What method of consumption are you using to take the CBD? What dose, and how often are you taking it? Vaping CBD is the fastest way to absorb it, but it’s also the quickest to leave your body. Due to all the blood vessels under the tongue, tinctures and oils applied sublingually, (underneath the tongue) are maximally absorbed. Sublingual application usually takes 15-20 minutes to begin working, and typically lasts for 4-6 hours. Ingested products (swallowed), like edibles usually take around 45 minutes to 1 ½ hours to fully absorb, and may last 8-10 hours on average.

How does the body process CBD?

The elimination of CBD revolves around how CBD is processed by the body. This can change depending on what form of CBD is used.
  1. Oral consumption: When administered orally CBD has a low bioavailability. According to studies CBD goes through the CYP450 enzyme system in the liver (the key pathway for drug metabolism). CBD then inactivates and prepares to be eliminated from the body, via the kidneys.
  2. Smoking/vaping CBD: Inhaling CBD has a rapid absorption rate. The lungs transfer CBD directly into the bloodstream. Average bioavailability (the proportion of a drug or other substance which enters the circulation when introduced into the body.) of smoking CBD is 31%, which means that when inhaled CBD tends to get absorbed into the bloodstream at a much higher percentage than when taken orally.
  3. Sublingual consumption: CBD is placed under the tongue and transferred into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes, and capillaries in the mouth. This means the CBD bypasses the digestive system and the liver entirely.
  4. Topical: CBD topicals are commonly used for more localized issues such as pain and inflammation. Topicals do not absorb deep enough to hit the bloodstream.
  5. Transdermal: Application of CBD through the skin, typically by using an adhesive patch.

How long does CBD stay in our system?

A few factors play a role in how long CBD stays in your system. Metabolism, a person's metabolism plays an important role in how fast CBD is metabolized and excreted from the body. Frequency, using CBD regularly will also influence the amount of time it stays in the body. Dosage, larger amounts of CBD will influence how long the cannabinoid will stay in the system. Method of consumption, both the effects of CBD and its presence in the body are contingent on how the CBD is introduced, and how it exits the body. In conclusion, CBD inhibits the enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) which breaks down anandamide and weakens it. In the human body, cannabinoids are broken down by enzymes. CBD helps prevent cannabinoids from being broken down, which is why it's a great option for many, and such a versatile cannabinoid.

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