CBD Suppositories and You

Suppositories are something hard to talk about for most people. However, using the suppositories can be a much more bio-available way to use CBD. Without the CBD having to go through presystemic metabolism or first-pass metabolism there is much more available to be absorbed into the body. This can be helpful for people suffering from gut issues like IBS, people suffering from issues with their digestive tracts, and people suffering from autism who have trouble ingesting CBD in the traditional methods.

CBD Suppositories

First Pass Metabolism is when the concentration of drug that you have ingested is greatly reduced through absorption of the drug into your gut wall and liver. Suppositories are useful in the fact that by inserting them into your rectum, you will avoid first pass metabolism. This is especially helpful for people with gut issues because the CBD has a better chance to work on the parts of your body that are inflamed and causing your gut issues.

People with gut issues like IBS are just one group of folks that might have a better time with the suppositories. If you are caregiver to someone with autism I am sure you know about the sensory issues they can have. Giving CBD oil to a child/teen with autism can basically be an impossible task because of the taste. The suppositories might be a solution for you! Autistic Children Playing

If you have issues with your digestive tract then you might find some success with the suppositories. While taking medicine orally might be the easiest, if you can't absorb it traditionally you will be in trouble. Someone on a feeding tube can't take a dose of CBD like most people.

CBD suppositories can be useful for all types of people who have trouble taking CBD traditionally. If you think you are someone you know would benefit from taking CBD please don't hesitate to reach out on this page over the live chat or make a call to our call center in Colorado Springs. They can be reached at 719-358-7553.

Need some help figuring out how to use the CBD suppositories? Check out this video! 

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