Workout With CBD
February 01, 2019Netflix and chillin' is nice, but we all need to get up, move around, and get some exercise. It's essential to lead a healthy lifestyle. According to Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. you should do aerobic workouts for 150 minutes a week if the workouts are at a moderate level. If your workouts are more intense, then cut it in half. If you're trying to workout your muscle groups by lifting you should do that at least twice a week. He also says to make the resistance just high enough to make your muscles tired after 12-15 repetitions. If you are to follow this routine you're bound to get some "gains", as well as, sore muscles, achey joints, and feel a bit fatigued. However, many body-builders, lifters, and athletes of all types are turning to CBD to help them with the various side-effects of working out. But, did you know CBD could also posses the potential to help gain muscle and increase stamina as well?
Cortisol is a hormone that reduces protein synthesis and prevents tissue growth. Cortisol is usually to blame for not seeing the "gains" that you wish for even when doing intense workouts. One thing that you will need to understand is that cortisol levels are decreasing throughout the day, with mornings being at it's peak and evenings at it's lowest. Which is why muscle recovery is most effective at night while we're sleeping. Research has shown that CBD has the potential to decrease cortisol levels resulting in increased muscle building. But how?
The science behind it is scarce, but pretty incredible. There are two ways that this happens the first is done indirectly through sleep. According to research on the Endocannabinoid System, CBD binds to CB2 receptors in the limbic and paralimbic regions of the brain, the control center for the Endocannabinoid System that manages sleep and mood. Research suggests that CBD can help achieve REM sleep preventing protein synthesis and allowing muscle to grow at the most opportune moment. The second, and direct way that CBD can help with muscle growth is that it can actually interfere with cortisol secretion. According to a preliminary study by the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research and reported by the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, subjects experienced decreased cortisol levels in their blood allowing muscle tissue to grow at a faster rate.
Stamina plays a huge part in working out and exercising. Someone who works out a lot is always wanting their stamina to get better so they can achieve harder or longer workouts. We all know of the feeling or have heard the term "runner's high", but what exactly is it? For a long time many thought it was endorphins that created this effect. But, recent research suggests that it's actually the Endocannabinoid System that produces this feeling. Anandamide is a naturally occuring cannabinoid that our bodies produce. CBD can help regulate anandamide through the Endocannabinoid System. Because of all of this, it's entirely possible that CBD can help optimize that "runner's high" giving you a calming and pain-free sensation. People have reported energy-level improvement, and regulatory breathing while working out. CBD can also possess anti-inflammatory properties which helps prevents muscle cramps.
Although research is just in it's infancy, we can already get a sense of all the great things that CBD can do for us. When it comes to working out with CBD based on the research that is available it's very likely that it could help boost your routine in many different ways. There are many different products you can try out to find exactly what you're looking for. Tinctures are always a great place to start, but there are also protein powders, juices that are little more specific to working out. Mary's Nutritionals has a couple of those products that contain 80mg of CBD in each container. They're available on our website or at any of our store locations throughout Colorado. If you have any questions please feel free to email us: or give us call: 1-844-462-2366.