CBD News

The Best Hiking Spots in Colorado Springs
In this blog we’ll talk about some of the best hiking spots locally in the Springs, as well as which of our CBD products could benefit someone who is looking to hike these trails!

CBD, Why it's Extra Good for Summer

How CBD Oil Works in Our Body

Get Involved: CBD Clinical Trials

Endocannabinoids: How Do They Impact Digestion?

CBD and Longevity: A study review

DiscoverCBD is a Pet Friendly Place!

What is Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency?
Bring balance to your endocannabinoid system! Lots of conditions were often labeled psychosomatic as no root cause or simple diagnostic procedure could be performed to confirm a patient's ailments. As the research is completed we may see a test developed to look at the functioning of the ECS and have available treatment options if it is found to be out of balance.

CBD Infused Spring Vinaigrettes!
With Summer rapidly approaching, this Spring is the perfect time to dress up your favorite salads and meats with light and flavorful dressings! These Vinaigrette recipes will have your taste buds screaming for Spring time and might even be the aid you are looking for to dress up those healthy greens and get that summer body you've been working so hard to achieve!