CBD News

How To Make Your Own CBD Vape Juice
In this blog we will be talking about the benefits of vaping CBD and the process of making your own CBD vape juice utilizing our CBD isolate powder.

Flying with CBD? What you need to know
Cannabidiol (CBD) has many therapeutic effects, such as anxiety reduction and sleep-aid. For these reasons, CBD is becoming a more frequent alternative to aid nervous-flyers. Since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill hemp derived cannabidiol (CBD) has become federally decriminalized in America, and with that traveling guidelines have changed. So what does this mean for you?

Feeling Stressed? Try This Simple Meditation Exercise at Home!
This exercise is designed to take you out of autopilot and truly ground you in the present. We spend a frightening amount of time gliding through life with our minds anywhere other than the present moment. Staying in this moment is difficult, but so important for your mental health. Try setting aside 15 minutes per day to practice this exercise. You will get better and better at it, and you may start to realize just how much of your life you spend trying to pass time rather than experiencing it. Time is the most precious thing we will ever have, and we do well to treat it as such.