Hemp for CBD versus Industrial Hemp: What's the Difference?

Hemp for CBD versus Industrial Hemp: What's the Difference?

#activecbdoilMadison Marcy
So, What is Cannabis? For those new to CBD, it is often hard to grasp the difference between traditional cannabis sold at dispensaries and that of...
A Greener Future with Hemp

A Greener Future with Hemp

biofuelStar Barnes
It's no secret that within the past couple of centuries humans have polluted the world. We often shove the thoughts of a polluted planet in the corners of our minds, but it's gone on for too long. It's time to advocate for cleaner solutions and hemp just might be the answer to many of our pollution problems.
CO2 tank

What is Supercritical CO2 Extraction, And Why Does it Matter?

Active CBD oilAdam F
In order to make consumable CBD products, cannabidiol (CBD) must be extracted from hemp plant matter. There are many different methods used for extraction, and they are definitely not all equal. These methods can vary in cost and, more importantly, in the quality of the final product. To make the Active CBD products, we use a method called supercritical CO2 extraction, because we want to provide our customers with the highest quality products, with no risk of leftover solvents. There are cheaper and easier methods out there, but we prefer not to sacrifice quality by cutting costs in this vital area. So, what exactly distinguishes CO2 extraction from other solvent extraction methods?

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