CBD News

The Best Hiking Spots in Colorado Springs
In this blog we’ll talk about some of the best hiking spots locally in the Springs, as well as which of our CBD products could benefit someone who is looking to hike these trails!

Badger G: Genetically Modified Hemp

CBD Testing to the Extreme: Above 14,000 ft

Does CBD induce sleep?

What are Terpenes?
What gives a plant its smell and taste? Terpenes! Let's take a look at some research and studies conducted on terpenes and cannabinoid working together. How Can this help you? What does 'terpenes' mean? We'll answer all these questions and more

Let's Go Outside : Colorado Springs

Why choose Active CBD Oil?

FDA Request for Public Comments on CBD and Cannabis Medical Benefits - Please Share Your Experience by April 23rd
Do you have an opinion on the benefits and efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD), medical cannabis, and/or cannabis extracts? The Food and Drug Administration is currently requesting public comment until April 23rd! You personally now have an opportunity to tell the government your experiences - please share your story and any evidence you can provide to back up your claims at the link below:
FDA request for comments on CBD and Cannabis medical benefits until April 23rd here: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=FDA-2018-N-1072-0001

Get Involved: CBD Clinical Trials

CBD and the Olympics!

Cannabis and Creativity?

CSU Clinical Trials and What it Means for Your Pets
Giving pets CBD can be a stressful experience for you and your furry friend. One doctor is researching the effects of CBD and dogs to help you with it.