CBD Concentrates


7 products

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 products

Pure CBD Isolate with blue and white packagingPure CBD powder blue and white packaging with ways to use this product
Active CBD oil CBD Isolate
Sale price$ 9.99
194 reviews
CBN IsolateCBN Isolate
Active CBD oil CBN Isolate
Sale price$ 29.99
7 reviews
CBG IsolateCBG Isolate
Active CBD oil CBG Isolate
Sale price$ 19.99
21 reviews
CBD cartridge no THCCBD cartidge standalone image
Active CBD oil CBD Cartridge
Sale price$ 39.99
37 reviews
Isolate BundlePure CBD Isolate with blue and white packaging
No reviews
CBD oil distillate cartridge frontCBD oil distillate cartridge front back
6 reviews
Shatter CBD plus terpenes frontCBD Shatter plus terpenes DiscoverCBD
Active CBD oil CBD Dabs
Sale price$ 14.99
17 reviews


CBD concentrates are CBD extracts that have been further refined or concentrated. This process increases the concentration of cannabidiol, while reducing the size of the oil droplets. The result is a substance with maximum effect.CBD concentrates tend to come in several forms. Many people prefer CBD oils because they're easy to use. Some concentrates are solid, while others come in the form of a viscous liquid. Concentrates can also be compressed into CBD pills or chews.
All the products mentioned above fall under the term "cannabis concentrates''. These are all concentrated forms of cannabis, but in different consistencies and potencies. With so many derivative products on the market today, it's hard to keep track of the differences between CBD oil vs CBD vape or CBD vs CBD wax.Each cannabis concentrate has its own unique benefits and both CBD and CBD have proved clinically effective for a number of conditions, from chronic pain relief to seizure control.
Use CBD Oil Concentrates during the day since they are all active cannabinoids; use high THC oils at night before bed.CBD oil can be used in conjunction with food and drinks. CBD oil use is the preferred method for treating pets, use the same instructions on use as you would use on yourself. Apply orally either by directly ingesting oil from the syringe or use it to create other products.
There are a variety of answers to this question. If one is talking about CBD isolate, there is a clear winner with 99%+ THC free CBD Isolate by volume. The next closest contender would be a blend that has similar concentrations at 30% pure CBD and 4% CBN/CBD. However, if we are talking about CBD in a full spectrum oil with all the cannabinoids and terpenes present at 0.3%, then it's almost like picking between your children! What you should keep in mind when choosing the strongest CBD concentrate is that you want to add as little of your chosen product to your vape pen or favorite e-juice/hardware as possible to get the desired effect.