CBD News
First Dallas/ Ft. Worth Discover CBD Now Open in Grapevine, TX!
We are excited to announce that Discover CBD is adding to our family again! This time in Grapevine, Texas! The store is located in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area. Store hours: Monday: Closed Tuesday- Saturday: 11 am - 7 pm Sunday: 11 am - 4 pm Phone Number: 817-527-6075
Bloomington, MN Discover CBD Now Open!
We are happy to announce that our second Minnesota store has officially opened! Our first store is located in Golden Valley. Come on in! We are just southwest of Minneapolis/St. Paul in Bloomington. We specialize in hemp-derived CBD products and can answer any, and all questions you have about these products!
Cinco de Mayo Recipe: Chiles en Nogada!
This dish is very popular in Puebla, Mexico. Cinco de Mayo is also called the Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla. Many assume that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's independence day, but it is a celebration of the battle won over France. Mexico had established independence on September 16th, 1810. This battle became a symbol of Mexico's resistance to domination from other countries like France.
Legal Source of Hemp and CBD
Agricultural hemp is federally legal due to the Agricultural Act of 2014, better known as the Farm Bill of 2014, as well as the new Farm Bill of 20...
Hemp as Fuel
Over the last decade, the talk of green energy and sustainable fuel has been the target and platform for many political conversations, yet has seen...
Surprising Products Made Out of Hemp
Unless you’ve been hibernating under a rock, you’re probably aware that hemp is making a comeback. It is one of the oldest cash crops in history an...
A Brief History of CBD and Hemp Oil
Cannabidiol, more widely known as CBD, has been enjoying increasing amounts of attention as people learn more about its incredible possibilities as...
Is Hemp Making a Comeback in Cars?
Recently on an episode of "Jay Leno's Garage," Jay Leno featured a car that was constructed out of cannabis. Made entirely out of woven hemp fiber...
Benefits of Hemp Plastic Over Traditional Plastic
What if there was a way to manufacture the majority of what we use that has a reduced carbon footprint, is renewable and biodegradable and has almo...