CBD is used for a multitude of reasons. How can one cannabinoid help so many people with such a wide range of issues? CBD interacts with your endocannabinoid system which is responsible for keeping your body into balance. While CBD may not work for you, many people decide to try CBD as a natural alternative or a supplement to their wellness.
CBD comes in many forms. CBD gummy candy is one of the most popular CBD products. Other popular CBD products include CBD hemp oil, CBD e-liquid or CBD capsules. New emerging CBD products include CBD bath bombs , CBD for your dog and CBD mints. Many customers are now searching for CBD products with other cannabinoids like CBN, CBG and CBC.
It can be hard to choose the best CBD product for you. We have a starter kit of CBD products available which is the best choice for those who don't know where to start. Many customers decide which CBD product to buy after decideing how they want to consume CBD oil. CBD vape is a quick way to consume CBD oil but it fades fast and many people do not like to vape CBD. CBD tinctures are great for first time CBD users to easily adjust dosages. Just like tinctures, CBD edible oil popular for first time users and CBD gummies are very popular - many enjoy a gummy or two before bed. CBD Topicals – best applied directly to the skin – The best part? Topical CBD comes in balms, creams, patches, and even CBD bath bombs.
Hemp is legal in most states, with legal cbd being derived from hemp and legal CBD oil being made from legal cbd strains that are very low in THC. Hemp contains less than 0.3 percent THC, while legal CBD products must have a THC level below 0.3 percent. Many products at Discover CBD are THC Free meaning that trace amount of THC is removed from those products. We ship legal CBD products straight to your door or you can shop local at one of our CBD retail stores.