CBD For Pets

As the popularity for cannabidiol (CBD) products continues to rise among people suffering from cancer, chronic pain, and other illnesses, so does the idea that medical cannabis may be useful for animals with the same conditions. While there have not been any clinical trials for CBD on animals, many pet-owners have claimed their furry friends have benefited from its use and argue that it’s a compassionate way to help animals achieve a better quality of life.







Dr. Amanda Reiman is the California policy manager for the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA). She decided to look into CBD treatment for pets when her cat was diagnosed with stomach cancer.


“I decided to mix a little cannabis oil in with her wet food and was astounded at the difference,” explained Dr. Reiman in an article for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). “She started acting like a kitten again, able to eat and play. She slept and purred and acted like herself again.”

Dr. Reiman’s vet was supportive of her decision, although it is important to always discuss any treatment with your pet’s veterinarian prior to beginning. Fortunately, more and more animal doctors are looking into CBD as a treatment for a multitude of illnesses. In March, the California Veterinary Medical Association held a conference in Yosemite National Park where one of the major themes was cannabis. Dawn Booth of Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine announced at the conference that her team had submitted a proposal to study the effects of medical cannabis on dogs.

This study and others that look at CBD as treatment for dogs, cats, and other pets will hopefully lead to a better understanding of the healing benefits of cannabis in the animal world. If you are interested in introducing new treatments and supplements into your pet’s diet, you may consider looking into CBD as a daily supplement. DiscoverCBD offers CBD in many forms, including treats pills, and sprays at levels comparable to those used in the aforementioned studies. Discover CBD is here to provide you with blog postings and resources that contain only useful facts about hemp-based, legal Cannabidiol (CBD) leading you to the products that are right for you.


Do you have a question or comment about CBD? Let us know, and we will respond right away. In the meantime, sign up for our newsletters and visit our website DiscoverCBD.com regularly for the latest updates on research, legislation, and other news impacting you and cannabidiol.


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