CBD News

Why Should I Try Water Soluble CBG?
When looking for a natural remedy for things like nausea, sleep and pain, CBD tinctures easily come to mind. However, there are other cannabinoids that provide similar and possibly even more effective relief. Today we’ll be taking a closer look at CBG, the mother of all cannabinoids and how using it in a water soluble tincture works compared to CBD.

How CBD Oil Works in Our Body

Get Involved: CBD Clinical Trials

Endocannabinoids: How Do They Impact Digestion?

CBD and Longevity: A study review

What is Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency?
Bring balance to your endocannabinoid system! Lots of conditions were often labeled psychosomatic as no root cause or simple diagnostic procedure could be performed to confirm a patient's ailments. As the research is completed we may see a test developed to look at the functioning of the ECS and have available treatment options if it is found to be out of balance.

Facts and Myths Concerning Non-cannabis Cannabinoids