One of the easiest and most convenient ways to administer CBD is through topical application. These can take the form of salves, balms, lotions, creams, body washes, and more. The skin is quick to absorb lipid-based materials that make contact with it and therefore, this is one of the most effective ways to use cannabinoids. More studies are showing that topical application of CBD oil may potentially be able to aid in pain management, skin elasticity, and it also holds anti-inflammatory properties. Patients with chronic pain or swelling have reported that topical CBD treatments may have helped with their issue and have found it to be more effective than oral administration or pharmaceutical drugs when it is applied to affected areas.
Topical CBD has been around since the dawn of civilization and with the advent of medical marijuana and hemp CBD research, it has made a resurgence in modern times. While it is still a relatively new treatment and the medical benefits of cannabinoids are still being researched, the DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Science recently published a paper detailing work done examining therapeutic effects of CBD cream on mice with a type of brain inflammation similar to MS in humans. You can read details about the full study at the link, but the application of CBD cream to rodents with the disease was able to decrease the clinical EAE score, increase their body weight, and restore their paw sensitivity.
Most pharmaceutical companies have not given serious consideration into producing CBD salves and creams, as they focus on oral ingestion, but with more and more research the following conditions might be able to be alleviated with CBD topicals:
Pain management: When it comes to chronic pain, patients have reported that CBD topicals can play a part in alleviating and reducing pain. CBD topicals allow them to focus on specific locations and are fast acting. This site examines some scenarios where CBD oil has been used in treatment of joint pain.
Burn management: Whether it’s a sunburn, minor kitchen injury, or even in more severe cases, there are several reports of people using CBD topicals to treat burns. There is a case where a burn patient burned their leg from a car exhaust. Although it was not a major injury, it was still painful and prone to infection. The left side was treated with antibiotic cream 4 times while the right side was treated with CBD oil only once. The patient reported more pain relief and healing with the CBD oil and proceeded to use that in lieu of antibiotic cream for the remainder of their treatment. While oil-based ointments are not ideal for treating a burn, minor burns may benefit from topical application after the initial injury.
Inflammation: Inflammation is painful and may decrease quality of life including the ability to perform everyday tasks. There have been patients who have reported less pain during the day and more restful nights when they applied CBD tincture directly to troubled areas.
Skin elasticity: Whether it’s derived from marijuana or hemp, many have found CBD topical treatments to increase the quality of their skin to give it a healthier, younger look. Some have even reported creams, lotions, and salves to soothe surface conditions and irritations. Even Vogue wrote a piece on these benefits.
While it is still a young treatment in the medical field and there is much to be studied, individuals have even reported that CBD topical treatments have improved their sex drive/pleasure, treated infections, and more.