Mommy, Baby, and Good Health: Talking to Your Perinatal Care Provider About CBD

Any mother-to-be knows that those nine months are a time of personal growth. Suddenly, you're not just making decisions about your own health, but the health of your baby as well. Naturally, you do not want to put anything in your body that could jeopardize your child's health, which is why so many mothers avoid medications during pregnancy. They stoically endure the aches, morning sickness, and strains for the good of their baby, which goes to show how strong the bond between mother and child really is – it begins before birth!


Proper nutrition, staying active, avoiding stress, keeping healthy, and steering clear of environmental contaminants are ways that mothers can make sure their baby has good perinatal health, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Mothers have to keep themselves healthy to make sure that their children are healthy too. Among the most common health issues affecting newborns stem from the mother's health during pregnancy, like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and even infections such as the flu.


We talked a bit in the past about the differences between cannabidiol (CBD) and conventional drugs when it comes to prenatal care. We are not doctors or perinatal care experts; We urge you to seek out the opinion of a perinatal care specialist if you are pregnant before deciding if you should start a CBD regimen, or continue with an existing one. Some mothers have reported that they utilized supplements with CBD during pregnancy after a consultation. We spoke with a young woman, Lauren, who is currently pregnant with her second child and uses CBD supplements, to get some firsthand information on CBD and pregnancy.


Lauren told us, “I actually heard about CBD when I was pregnant with my first baby. A couple of my girlfriends told me about it. They used it when they were having their kids.” What interested Lauren in CBD supplements? She said, “I refuse to take even an aspirin when I'm having a child. But, my friends told me it was a natural product, and wasn't intoxicating. Also, I learned it could work with my body when I had to deal with morning sickness, or just didn't feel like I could handle going to work, like if I was feeling moody, or just having achy joints. I was intrigued, to say the least.”


We asked Lauren what she thought any woman should know if she is thinking about CBD supplementation during pregnancy and the postnatal period. She said, “Being open with your doctor, or whoever you pick for prenatal care. I think a lot of women are scared they'll be judged if they bring up something like CBD, or that they'll get seen in a different light.”


Lauren also gave us some tips on how to talk about CBD with a perinatal care provider. “First, don't be scared to bring it up. Nobody's trying to judge you when you're getting care. They're there to help. You can only figure out if CBD is right for you if you talk about it. Also, do your homework before you bring it up. When you go in to your appointment, bring some printed info or have a site already up on your phone. Ob-Gyns, doctors, everybody's a lot more well-informed about CBD today than even two years ago, when I was having my first. But some people still don't know about it. You have to explain that you're not asking them about drugs. Third, know about your different CBD products. My provider and I decided that topicals were definitely the way to go, but you and your provider might feel you should go another route.”


We asked Lauren about her views on CBD as a mother. “I think it had an impact, for sure. I was making sure I ate right, on a regular basis too – you don't want totally stuff yourself at night because you're worried you'll be too sick to eat breakfast. I also think the topicals were part of the larger, or big-picture, understanding I have of my health now. And keeping healthy doesn't stop when your baby is born, either! Being healthy helps you bond with your baby, and in my case, I think the diets, supplements, exercise, have all been part of this awesome experience!”


We want to reiterate to speak with your care provider before going ahead with any supplementary regimen, and that every mother's experience is unique, but there are several CBD products that you might consider. These include topical moisturizers formulated for topical use, serums infused with vitamins and herbs to enhance your glow, and skin balms that are easy to apply even when you have dry skin or sore muscles. Read up on the collections of CBD products you feel could be included in your perinatal regimen. Our interviewee, Lauren, said, “You and your doctor are like a team. You work together to make sure your baby is born happy and healthy. Being informed about the different CBD options out there can help your team to decide if it's the right call for you and your baby.” We couldn't have put it better ourselves.


Do you have a question or comment about CBD? Let us know, and we will respond right away. In the meantime, sign up for our newsletters and visit our website regularly for the latest updates on research, legislation, and other news impacting you and cannabidiol.

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