CBD News

Shine Music Festival Review
The city of Denver is renowned for its appreciation of the arts as well as live performance, and the employees of Discover CBD are no exception. So...

Using CBD For Sleep
Even when life was normal, many of us suffered from sleep issues. Now, with all the added stress of current events, those issues have become more prevalent than ever before. If you are having trouble sleeping, you are not alone! Almost every single day we get at least one customer looking for a product to help them sleep. There are a lot of options available from the Active CBD Oil line at Discover CBD, but a select few definitely stand out as the most popular products for nighttime use. Generally there are two categories of sleep issues that we hear about from our customers, which dictate what type of product they gravitate toward.

Product Review: Active CBD Oil Transdermal Patches
There are so many ways to take CBD, and the options seem to be growing with time. Most people have heard of tinctures, but did you know you can also take CBD by just placing a patch on your skin? Click to read more about the Active CBD Oil transdermal patches!