Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil
There tends to be a lot of confusion in the CBD realm about the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil. Hemp oil is a commonly used term that people use to describe two very different products from the hemp plant. Some assert that hemp oil is the same as CBD oil when in reality it is not the same. Hemp oil is more accurately described as hemp seed oil, as it comes from the cannabis seeds being cold-pressed, much like how sesame seed oil is made. CBD oil on the other hand is made using the full hemp extract utilizing the flower, stalks and leaves of the hemp plant that are rich in cannabinoids like CBD.
A main key distinction between these two is that CBD oil will be extracted from the parts of the hemp plant that contain higher amounts of CBD, whereas hemp oil extracted from hemp seeds do not contain a significant amount of CBD. The Forensic Science International, a peer-reviewed academic journal published the article “Concentrations of THC, CBD, and CBN in commercial hemp seeds and hemp seed oil sold in Korea,” where the researchers measured the amount of different cannabinoids found in hemp seed oil. The researchers found CBD concentrations from 6.66 to 63.40 μg/mL. An important note is that this is measured in micrograms (μg) when the traditional measurement you will find most CBD oil products will be in milligrams (mg). For reference 1 mg = 1000 μg, so the level of CBD found in hemp seed oil from the study would be approximately between 0.00666 mg to 0.0634 mg of CBD. That is an insignificant amount of CBD to say for certain.
How do you know if your product is hemp oil or CBD oil?
Unfortunately there are many times consumers may think they are purchasing a CBD oil product when in reality they are buying a hemp seed oil product and find that it is ineffective for them.
Since the industry is not regulated by the FDA, there are many companies that may label their products in different ways such as stating that it is made using hemp extract, CBD oil, and hemp oil. Unbeknownst to many, the latter of those typically means that the product is made using hemp seed oil rather than CBD oil. Hemp oil and hemp seed oil are often used synonymously, however some companies will create confusion when they label their products as hemp oil when the product may actually be made using CBD oil. These factors create obstacles for consumers to navigate through in order to find the right product to take that may offer the potential benefits they are looking for.
The best solution to determining how your product is made is by asking the manufacturer and checking out the lab results for the product in question. Here at Discover CBD, we send out every batch we make for third party lab testing and post all of the lab results at this link. We also label each product with a corresponding batch number (example: TIN-1065) with a QR code you can scan with your camera feature on your smartphone that will take you to our Active CBD Oil website where you can find the lab results posted for every batch.
Potential benefits of Hemp Oil
Although hemp oil does not contain a significant amount of CBD there is plenty of research that has investigated what potential benefits hemp oil may have. Hemp seed oil has been shown to have a higher concentration of essential fatty acids at around 30% oil, about 25% proteins and other considerable amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals that many studies have found to be beneficial for our health. The following tables of data for each section were published in the international journal Euphytica volume 140 pages 65-72 in the article “Hempseed as a nutritional resource: An overview” by J.C. Callaway from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kuopio, Finland.
“The data presented in Table 1 were derived experimentally from whole seed of the Finola hemp variety and its seed meal after ‘cold’ (45 ◦C) oil pressing. These analytical results were obtained by accredited methods from the Regional Environmental Laboratory of Kuopio, Finland.”
Essential fatty acids
Hemp seed oil contains the three polyunsaturated fatty acids of linoleic acid (omega-6), alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3), and gamma-linolenic acid create the ratio between 2:1 to 3:1 of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids that most experts consider optimal for potential benefits. Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential because they are necessary for our health but are not naturally produced in our body and therefore we must consume them through our diet.

“The data in Table 2 were derived experimentally from commercial oil samples or crushed whole seed as previously described (Callaway, 1997a; Ngeh-Ngwainbi et al., 1997).”
Improved Skin
Researchers are investigating the potential role of hemp seed oil and its rich source of PUFAs may offer to help with various skin conditions. In the dermatology study “Efficacy of dietary hempseed oil in patients with atopic dermatitis” conducted by researchers from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Kuopio, Finland found that dietary hemp seed oil resulted in improved symptoms such dry and itchy skin, rashes, scaly patches, blisters and skin infections for people with atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema.
Other evidence suggests that the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) found in hemp seed oil has potent anti-inflammatory properties that may help provide relief from other skin conditions such as psoriasis and cradle cap.
Hemp seed oil is also considered to be effective for moderating oil production for our skin. Dry skin may cause our skin to overproduce oil which can be a leading cause of acne. Many consumers report that hemp seed oil moisturizes their skin without clogging pores which is often why you may find hemp seed oil in many skin care products applied topically.
Lower Blood Pressure
The higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in hemp seed oil are suggested to also help lower blood pressure for people with hypertension or high blood pressure. Research generally recommends using hemp seed oil in conjunction with prescribed blood pressure medicine to lower blood pressure.
Promotes Heart Health
Studies have demonstrated that consuming a diet high in linoleic acid such as hemp seed oil may help reduce total low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which is considered to be a “bad” cholesterol for our bodies. This is due to the fact that a high LDL level may result in a buildup of cholesterol in your arteries that is often linked to risks such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes.
As a source of vegetable nutrition, hemp seed oil is made of around 25% proteins that are essential to our health. The primary two proteins in hemp seed are albumin and edestin, which are both rich in amino acids and considered to be higher quality storage proteins that can be easily digested by our body.
“Amino acid values for hempseed (cv Finola) and rapeseed in Table 3 were derived experimentally at MTT (the National Agricultural Laboratories in Jokionen, Finland). Other amino acid values in Table 3 were obtained from an authoritative literary source (Scherz et al., 1986).”
Albumin is considered to be the most common protein found in our blood plasma that is made in the liver and carried rapidly to the bloodstream. It plays an essential role in ensuring that our blood stays in our veins and arteries, and helps to deliver vitamins, hormones, and enzymes throughout our body. Low levels of albumin may indicate an underlying liver condition and studies suggest that supplementing albumin from our diet may help.
Edestin is a protein that is only found in the hemp seed and very similar to our own body’s globular proteins found in our blood plasma. Research shows that edestin may aid with digestion and produces antibodies that may help us regulate a healthy immune system. The combination of edestin and the higher levels of fiber found in hemp seed oil may help significantly with aiding digestion issues such as constipation.
Protein levels compared to other sources
In the diagram below from the Finland study discussed previously, they show a graph to demonstrate how the amino acid levels of the proteins in hemp seed oil are comparable to other high quality protein sources such as soybean and egg white.
Figure 1. Graphical representation of protein amino acid profiles for soy bean, hempseed (cv Finola) and egg white. Individual amino acids are represented by their IUPAC abbreviations.
Vitamins and Minerals
In addition to a rich supply of essential fatty acids, fiber, and proteins, hemp seed oil also offers many potentially beneficial vitamins and minerals such as vitamin e, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

“Nutritional values in Table 4 were also derived experimentally from the Finola variety of hempseed at MTT in Jokioinen, Finland.”
Vitamin E
This nutrient is exclusively obtained from our diet and has been shown in research to have antioxidant properties. There have been numerous studies that link oxidative stress to health conditions such as arthritis, cataracts, and aging. Supplementing with vitamin e has been shown to be effective against these types of issues as well as many others.
This mineral plays an important role in making proteins that repair and grow cells and tissues which is suggested to help our muscles contract and aids in muscle recovery post exercise. It also acts as a key component in building bones and teeth to keep them strong. Other studies find that phosphorus can affect how our bodies process carbohydrates or sugars and aid in other bodily functions including kidney, the nervous system and heartbeat regulation.
A vital mineral that has been shown to help to regulate body fluid, sends nerve signals and regulates muscle contractions. After potassium is inside our bodies it acts as an electrolyte that helps to maintain a healthy level of osmolality, or the amount of water inside our cells vs outside of our cells. This is important because it helps our body stay hydrated so our other organs can perform effectively.
This mineral is involved in several different crucial functions for our body including converting food into energy, making new proteins from amino acids, helping form and repair DNA and RNA, regulating neurotransmitters that send messages throughout our nervous system and brain, and supporting muscle and relaxation and contraction.
Another vital mineral that our bodies need for muscles movement and nerves to carry messages to every part of our body, as well as helping release hormones that affect other functions of our body, and aids with blood vessels moving blood throughout our body. Most notably calcium is needed for the process of helping our bones rebuild after being broken down and keeps them strong.
Are there any negative side effects?
Most people take hemp seed oil without experiencing any negative side effects and only notice the great potential benefits mentioned earlier. Although we all receive things differently so people may have negative reactions to using hemp seed oil. Some people with highly sensitive skin who use the oil topically may experience some mild irritation so it is generally best to test on a small area of our skin first to see how you might react to it. Due to the oily, fatty nature of hemp seed oil, some people may experience an upset stomach, diarrhea, or loosened stools when ingesting larger amounts at one time. However this may be the case with any oil and it is generally a good idea to start with smaller amounts at a time and gradually increase as needed. If you are taking other medications or have any concerns about introducing hemp seed oil to your diet it is best to consult your doctor first.
Our products with hemp seed oil
We offer several different products that use hemp seed oil as a key ingredient including tinctures and topical options that many of our customers are sharing excellent results with.
CBD Tinctures
Our Active CBD Oil green line of tinctures are made using a blend of MCT oil and hemp seed oil as the base carrier oil for our CBD isolate. They combine the great potential benefits of CBD, MCT Oil and hemp seed oil all in one! MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides which are considerably easier for our bodies to break down rather than long chain triglycerides and considered to be water soluble, allowing our body to absorb them more efficiently, faster and less likely to be stored in our fat tissues. After ingesting MCT it passes through our stomach and is directly absorbed from our intestines into the liver where it can be converted into fuel or energy for our body. Studies have shown MCT oil to have some great potential benefits such as weight loss, heart health, brain health, and help with GI issues.
As a CBD isolate based product these tinctures are THC free and do not have a natural earthy hemp flavor commonly found in other full spectrum or broad spectrum tinctures made using the full hemp extract that retain the natural terpenes from the hemp plant. This makes this tincture a popular choice for people more sensitive to the bitter taste and several customers share that they give this tincture to their pets and children without any reported issues.
They come in a variety of concentrations including a 500 mg or 1000 mg in a 1 oz bottle, and a 2000 mg or 3000 mg in a 2 oz bottle. We have several great flavors including a peach mango, pineapple smoothie, sweet grape or a natural option with no added flavoring. Typically MCT oil is nearly flavorless and hemp seed oil has a very subtle nutty flavor.
These tinctures can be taken the sublingual route by holding the oil under the tongue for a minute or two and swallowing the excess for a more direct and faster absorption into our bloodstream due to all of the blood vessels under the tongue. On average most consumers report noticing the potential benefits of CBD within around 15-20 minutes with an average duration of around 4-6 hours. Alternatively you can also apply the oils topically to use on your skin for moisturization and its anti-inflammatory properties. It is best to start with smaller amounts and doses and gradually increase as needed.
CBD Roll On
In continuation of using hemp seed oil topically on the skin, we often hear customers share great results using our Active CBD Oil 500 mg Roll on. This product is our highest concentration per volume CBD topical product as it is made using 500 mg CBD in a 10 ml volume. For people who have sensitive skin and allergies looking for a product with fewer ingredients this is a great option as it is made with only three ingredients including hemp seed oil, CBD isolate, and peppermint essential oil.
Many studies have shown that peppermint may help with issues such as headaches, tension headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, and sinus infections. The peppermint essential oil we use for this product has a higher concentration of menthol, which is known for the tingling and cooling sensation it produces that make it a common ingredient in pain relief products. As an oil based topical product it tends to absorb significantly faster than a lotion or salve. If you abhor using your hands to apply a topical product such as a lotion or salve that may leave your hands feeling greasy this roll on makes for easy and clean usage.
CBD Salves
Although simpler ingredients can have their advantages, there are often times where having other added ingredients contributes to a better overall effectiveness in a product. With our Active CBD Oil Salves we use hemp seed oil, vitamin e oil and other great essential oils such as rosemary, arnica, and calendula which have demonstrated great anti-inflammatory properties along with CBD. Our salves come in two main formulations of either a broad spectrum or full spectrum CBD. Broad spectrum CBD is made using the full hemp extract with the THC removed while retaining the other potentially beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and amino acids from the plant. Whereas full spectrum CBD will use everything from the hemp plant including the trace amounts of delta 9 THC of 0.3% or less. The trace amounts of THC are not enough to produce a high, however any amount may run the risk of showing up on a drug screen. Research shows that both broad and full spectrum CBD create what is called the entourage effect, where CBD may work better when alongside the other active ingredients in the plant than solely by itself.
The broad spectrum versions are available in either a 550 mg in a 2oz jar or an 1100 mg in a 4 oz jar option. They are both made with a plant based candelilla wax and nearly identical for all of their ingredients with the exception that the smaller 550 mg jar also uses shea butter which helps our skin retain moisture as well as having a soothing anti-inflammatory effect. It is important to note that both of these salves are the same concentration per volume so several customers newer to trying them often prefer to start with the smaller jar to test out at a lower cost. In contrast, the bigger jar is a better value and should last twice as long before going through the full jar.
Our full spectrum option is only available in a 4 oz jar but is the highest concentration amongst our topical products at 3000 mg. It is identical with the 1100 mg broad spectrum salve ingredients, except that the wax base is a beeswax instead of the candelilla wax. Most people have shared that this creates a creamier consistency that is easier to spread.
Water Soluble CBD Bath Bombs
If you have ever wanted to lather your whole body with CBD then our Active CBD Oil Bath Bombs are a great option to fully immerse your body into a bathtub of CBD for a relaxing experience both physically and mentally. We use our proprietary water soluble CBD formula so that the 50 mg of CBD will be evenly mixed in with the water and allow for a more efficient absorption. We have three varieties of essential oils options including a cooling peppermint, a soothing lavender, or a rejuvenating lemon and eucalyptus.
Although CBD oil and hemp seed oil come from the same plant they are truly not the same as each comes from distinctively different parts of the plant and each offer their own various potential benefits. Hemp seed oil is rich in essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals that may help with a wide range of health issues. It can be used either topically on the skin or ingested and thanks to all of the incredible research unveiling its health benefits it is no wonder why it is so commonly used in food and skin care products. When coupled with the amazing potential benefits of CBD oil you can get the best of both worlds and we offer several products that utilize hemp seed oil as a key ingredient. If you have any questions about CBD oil, hemp seed oil or finding the best CBD and hemp seed oil product for you our team is always happy to help! Feel free to visit any of our retail locations, chat with us at https://discovercbd.com, or give us a call toll-free at 1-844-GO-CBD-NOW (462-2366).
Research links
If you are interested in learning more and diving deeper into some research here are several links worth looking into.
Hemp Seed Oil
Essential Fatty Acids
Vitamins and Minerals