Millions of people worldwide struggle with the symptoms that come with having a uterus including menstruation, menopause and/or many of the complicated disorders involved in this particular system. According to the United Nations Women group, on average a person with a uterus will menstruate for a combined 6 years of their life before they enter menopause. With such a large amount of time spent dealing with these symptoms, people have used all sorts of methods to gain some relief over time.
Dating back to ancient times, people have used cannabis in several different forms in order to treat the symptoms of menstruation, menopause, and other disorders such as endometriosis. According to Cannabinoids in Nature and Medicine by Dr. Didier Lambert of Louvain Drug Research Institute, there are records dating back to ancient Egypt of cannabis being crushed and mixed with honey used internally for menstruation relief. It is even rumored that Queen Victoria was given cannabis for her menstrual pain by her doctor in the 1800’s. In 2021, there are hundreds of options for those hoping to find relief from these types of symptoms.
Menstruation is often a taboo topic to speak openly about, but with half the Earth’s population experiencing it, the conversation on how to treat those symptoms is incredibly important. I personally have struggled with debilitating cramps, migraines, and other symptoms associated with menstruation from a young age. I have a personal routine using a combination of our CBD based products and supplies that many people have at home.
When I am experiencing low level pain, I am often looking for ways to just relax and allow my body to rest better. My first step is to run a nice warm bath including Epsom salts and our Active CBD Oil Bath Bomb available in three different scents including a peppermint, lemon and eucalyptus, and my favorite scent lavender. With 40 mg of CBD in each one, these bath bombs are the perfect way to start out a relaxation routine.
When I am experiencing more severe symptoms of my period I find that there are several products we sell that I have found relief with. When I am experiencing the aches and pains that come with menstruating I often turn to our Active CBD Oil Salve which can be purchased in two different sizes; either a 550mg, 2oz container or a 1,100mg 4oz container. Each container of salve is infused with arnica, calendula, and rosemary oils; all three of these herbs along with CBD are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties. I find that using the salve helps to ease the aching I feel in my arms and legs during my period.
Along with the salve I often use our Active CBD Oil Tincture - Water Soluble, the 300mg cinnamon or vanilla version in my coffee or tea in the morning as an added boost for my day. The first upside to these tinctures is that they are broad spectrum products; meaning that the extracts from hemp are full plant extracts with just THC filtered out. This means that the other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in the extract are untouched. Broad spectrum oils are suggested to create an entourage effect, when each component has a more synergistic effect working together as a team. But what exactly is special about a water soluble formula? In this formula, the CBD molecule is encapsulated in a “bubble” where the inside layer is oil and the exterior is water like. Blood and milk are two other examples of water soluble solutions! Packaging the molecule in this way allows for better bioavailability in our system; bioavailability is defined as the amount of a substance that enters the bloodstream for it to have an effect. Research has suggested that water soluble formulas have a much more efficient absorption. I have found the best relief with our water soluble formula for my period needs and loved the added bonus that it can be put right in my coffee or tea!
Unfortunately research on CBD and its potential effects on our reproductive systems is scarce, however there are still a few studies showing promising results, especially for those with reproductive disorders such as endometriosis. A study done for the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, by Anna Maria Di Blasio explores how endocannabinoids can interact with the female reproductive system. This study suggests that “the evaluation of chemical compounds acting on the endocannabinoid system will pave the way to develop alternative pharmacological strategies for a disease that, at present, heavily relies on surgical treatments”. Studies like this one enhance the discussion about CBD and reproductive health however more research is still needed to have a better understanding.
Overall, CBD has helped me with my day to day comfort when menstruating but there are definitely days when the best relief comes with lots of rest and staying well hydrated. I like to think of the products I use as an added bonus to my usual routine when I am on my period. I believe it is important to continue research on the subject of CBD and menstruation and the benefits it could bring.