CBD News

Get Involved: CBD Clinical Trials
Research into the effects of cannabinoids, including cannabidiol, continues to progress into exploring an astonishing variety of systems and disorders. Although government restrictions on cannabis research hindered advancement until very recently, currently research has been blooming. If you would like to take part in this research and further our understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying the relief provided by the endocannabinoid system - check out the current clinical trials involving CBD. Many are currently recruiting participants all across the country - you could get involved!

What Can Enhance the Effects of Cannabidiol?
Many people who have been satisfied with the outcomes of daily cannabidiol (CBD) supplementation have wondered whether it is possible to enhance an...

Erin's Review: Active CBD oil Super Strength Salve 150mg-1100mg
Do you or someone you know suffer from muscle pain, joint pain, inflammation, or skin conditions? Is Advil or Motrin not making the cut? How about trying our Full Spectrum THC free Active CBD Super Strength Salve

Water Soluble CBD and the Benefits Explained
Let's be clear: Technically speaking there is no such thing as true "water soluble CBD.” The reason for this is CBD is a molecule that itself is no...