Are CBD Capsules Expensive?

Are CBD Capsules Expensive?

Taylor Curtis

When it comes to the effectiveness of CBD products, CBD capsules are a great, concise way to take CBD. With its effectiveness comes the question of how expensive are CBD capsules? 


Unlocking the Entourage Effect: Full Spectrum CBD Capsules Explained

Unlocking the Entourage Effect: Full Spectrum CBD Capsules Explained

Wilson Yarnall

The CBD market today offers a broad spectrum of products (pun intended) at a wider variety of dosage levels and consumption methods, leaving some first time customers unsure where to even start with CBD. That being said, today I’ll be discussing what full spectrum CBD capsules are and why...

2023 Buyer's Guide

2023 Buyer's Guide

Zach Ashcraft
With a plethora of different CBD products on the market and various methods of consumption, it can be difficult to determine what might be the best product for you. There is a lot of information to navigate through in the CBD realm and we are happy to help you determine what might be the best product for your needs. Check out our 2023 buyer’s guide to learn more about the different methods of consumption, a few of our most popular products, newest products to our collection from this year, and the three different categories of CBD products. 
Can CBD Stimulate Appetite?

Can CBD Stimulate Appetite?

Carly Meredith
There is still a lot of research to be done on the effects of CBD and other cannabinoids on gastrointestinal health. But if decreased or total lack of appetite, nausea, anxiety, and depression are a daily issue, introducing CBD into a daily health regimen may provide a cycle of relief for these symptoms. 
Just What Does Marijuana Do Inside Your Body?

Just What Does Marijuana Do Inside Your Body?

Nate Hemmert
Raphael Mechoulam, the man who first synthesized THC, the main ingredient in marijuana, and is often referred to as the “father of marijuana resear...
Let's Go Outside : Colorado Springs

Let's Go Outside : Colorado Springs

Adam F
"Let's Go Outside" is a new campaign from Discover CBD, encouraging individuals to get ACTIVE and explore the area they live in! "Let's Go Outside"...
Why choose Active CBD Oil?

Why choose Active CBD Oil?

Adam F
With the wide range of success stories attributed to CBD, many find themselves urging their family members or friends to try CBD products after fin...
Can CBD Play A Role in Diabetes?

Can CBD Play A Role in Diabetes?

Nate Hemmert
Diabetes mellitus is a group of autoimmune diseases characterized by defects in insulin secretion or production resulting in hyperglycemia (an abno...
Fibromyalgia and CBD

Fibromyalgia and CBD

Nate Hemmert
Fibromyalgia, a debilitating disease affecting as many as 5 million Americans, interrupts the way the brain processes pain signals, amplifying thes...
Ohio Becomes 25th State to Legalize Medical Cannabis

Ohio Becomes 25th State to Legalize Medical Cannabis

Rachelle Gordon
Ohio Governor John Kasich recently signed into law a bill legalizing medical cannabis, meaning that now half of all states have some sort of medica...
Shine Music Festival Review

Shine Music Festival Review

Belle Christner
The city of Denver is renowned for its appreciation of the arts as well as live performance, and the employees of Discover CBD are no exception. So...
CBD’s Potential Benefits Against Cognitive Decline

CBD’s Potential Benefits Against Cognitive Decline

Belle Christner
Cognitive decline is something that many of us will have to face at some point in our lives; whether we are actively caring for a loved one or at r...