CBD Infused Cough Drops

CBD Infused Cough Drops

Melinda Bloch
What is more portable, customizable and discreet than cough drops? Now you can make your own CBD cough drops using 99% CBD Isolate. The recipe is d...
CBD Infused Dog Treats

CBD Infused Dog Treats

Melinda Bloch
Here is another great way to utilize 99% CBD Isolate. This recipe only uses 1/8th of a gram of 99% CBD isolate per batch. But even if you don’t hav...
CBD Infused Body Scrub

CBD Infused Body Scrub

Melinda Bloch
Body Scrub can be a good way to exfoliate and refresh your skin. Adding CBD to your skin care regime could add a healthy boost to your skin. This ...
CBD Infused Coconut Bombs

CBD Infused Coconut Bombs

Melinda Bloch
These high CBD coconut bombs are perfect for the sweet tooth within all of us! They are very high in fat, but relatively low in sugar so they are p...
CBD infused Pesto

CBD infused Pesto

Melinda Bloch
CBD infused pesto can be a great way to add an extra dose of CBD on a day that you feel like you need that little extra boost of CBD. Pesto has a m...
endocannabinoid system, cannabinoid receptors, CB1, CB2, CBD, CBD oil

Cannabinoids and Your Body

Melinda Bloch
Introduction to The Endocannabinoid System Endocannabinoid systems are found in all mammals, including humans. The “high” that is felt when smokin...