CBD News

Ingestion, Sublingual, or Topical CBD Oil
One of the main concerns when trying CBD oil for the first time is figuring out the most appropriate administration of the supplement into the body...

What are Terpenes?
What gives a plant its smell and taste? Terpenes! Let's take a look at some research and studies conducted on terpenes and cannabinoid working together. How Can this help you? What does 'terpenes' mean? We'll answer all these questions and more

Let's Go Outside : Colorado Springs
"Let's Go Outside" is a new campaign from Discover CBD, encouraging individuals to get ACTIVE and explore the area they live in! "Let's Go Outside"...

Get Involved: CBD Clinical Trials
Research into the effects of cannabinoids, including cannabidiol, continues to progress into exploring an astonishing variety of systems and disorders. Although government restrictions on cannabis research hindered advancement until very recently, currently research has been blooming. If you would like to take part in this research and further our understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying the relief provided by the endocannabinoid system - check out the current clinical trials involving CBD. Many are currently recruiting participants all across the country - you could get involved!

New Active CBD Oil E-Liquid Vape Additive 1000mg Product Review
When it comes to pain management, most people who are suffering from chronic pain lots of times tend to prefer a quicker method of delivering the C...

From Skeptic to True Believer
I started with Discover CBD on March 4th, 2019 in our West Denver location as a customer service representative. Being new to CBD, I was very interested to learn about our products and to discover if they were as helpful to people as I was hearing.

What Rescheduling Marijuana Could Mean
Over the course of the last few months, the internet has been buzzing with speculation of the DEA potentially rescheduling marijuana from a Schedul...

Key Differences Between CBD and THC
We all choose to consume cannabinoids for different reasons. Some people take CBD as a daily supplement and others take it because it helps e...

Hemp Oil vs. CBD-rich Oil
In recent years, CBD has become the popular kid in the world of medical marijuana and holistic remedies as there have been several cases where it h...

Erin's Review: Active CBD oil Super Strength Salve 150mg-1100mg
Do you or someone you know suffer from muscle pain, joint pain, inflammation, or skin conditions? Is Advil or Motrin not making the cut? How about trying our Full Spectrum THC free Active CBD Super Strength Salve

CBD - Infused No Bake Cookies!
Always a favorite here in the store check out this recipe if you are interested in dosing with some gooey no bake cookies instead of a tincture or capsules! While you are at it be sure to bring us some to try!