What do Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Richard Besser have in common? They have all changed their minds about CBD oil and medical marijuana. Gupta was the first to make the 180 and stand in support of medical marijuana. Sure, it might be your first inclination to think that they’re hopping on the bandwagon, but all three of these professional have very poignant reasons why they let their guard down and changed their minds.
It was 2009 when Gupta wrote a guest article for Time magazine citing, “Why I Would Vote No For Pot.” Before you knew it, in 2013, he was on CNN apologizing for leading the general public astray.
“I’ve apologized for some of the earlier reporting because I think we’ve been terrible and systematically misled in this country for quite some time. And I did part of the misleading,” he confessed.
In a later op-ed on CNN’s website, he continued:
“I apologize because I didn’t look hard enough, until now. I didn’t look far enough. I didn’t review papers from smaller labs in other countries doing some remarkable research, and I was too dismissive of the loud chorus of legitimate patients whose symptoms improved on cannabis.”
In case you missed the CNN Special “Weed,” you can view it here.
Dr. Mehmet Oz had a similar experience. He recalled growing up with most of his generation thinking that marijuana was “something Satan was throwing at Americans and a communist plot,” he fessed up on an episode of Larry King Now. Today, he believes that most of the American population has come around and can look through former opinions and see that marijuana can be “hugely beneficial when used correctly for medical purposes.”
In case you didn’t know, Dr. Richard Besser is ABC’s chief health and medical editor. He went on a whirlwind trip to Colorado to report on the early days of recreational marijuana for his segment, “This Week.” As a parent of two teenage boys, he too, was skeptical and initially thought it was an illicit drug. However, during his trip to Colorado, he encountered a number of people who compared to alcohol and his views shifted.
“Marijuana is less likely to be addictive, it’s less likely to cause car accidents and birth defects. It’s less likely to cause domestic violence. So how do you rationally say that it’s OK to drink alcohol with that profile but it’s not OK to occasionally use marijuana?” he reported.
Recreational marijuana is one thing and up to personal digression, but what has shifted the perspective of these medical professionals is rooted to the potential benefits of CBD oil. They have read countless articles and gone out on the field to discover how it may have remedies conditions ranging from aggressive cancers to chronic pain to neurological disorders.
Plus, they have realized that CBD does not get one high and is available in a variety of configurations ranging from topical treatments to vaporizers to edibles and beyond.
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Written by Leah Concialdi