CBD News

Traveling With CBD: Tips for a Seamless Journey

The Best Hiking Spots in Colorado Springs
In this blog we’ll talk about some of the best hiking spots locally in the Springs, as well as which of our CBD products could benefit someone who is looking to hike these trails!

Are CBD Capsules Expensive?
When it comes to the effectiveness of CBD products, CBD capsules are a great, concise way to take CBD. With its effectiveness comes the question of how expensive are CBD capsules?

What Is The Best Way To Take CBD Everyday?

Full Spectrum vs. Broad Spectrum Capsules

Common Myths about CBD

Tutorial: Active CBD oil - Gold 25% and Active CBD oil - Green 17% CBD Oil

Shine Music Festival Review

How Do I Know How Much CBD Tincture to Take?

Discovering Terpenes: Myrcene

Easy CBD? A Short Introduction to CBD Pills and Capsules
Our Active CBD Oil Gold Label Capsules can be taken with any tasty beverage of your choice and can potentially provide longer durations. Along with the assistance of our Water-soluble formulation, bioavailability is increased as well, meaning that your body will absorb more CBD than other Oil-based Tinctures or Capsules. Easy CBD has never been two words that have ever seemed so close together until now.