CBD News

CBD Infused Cucumber and Rosewater Face Mist
Will CBD help with irritated or dry skin? Try out this DIY refreshing and rose scented CBD infused Cucumber and Rosewater Face Mist made with witch hazel as a toner and vitamin E oil for moisture!

Thinking about selling CBD? Start here!
Have you considered getting into the hemp/CBD industry? DiscoverCBD has you covered!

CBD Franchise Options - Coming Soon!
Discover CBD is the largest chain of CBD only stores in Colorado - but we are not stopping there! You can stake your own claim in the booming and e...

Legal Source of Hemp and CBD
Agricultural hemp is federally legal due to the Agricultural Act of 2014, better known as the Farm Bill of 2014, as well as the new Farm Bill of 20...

CBD and Drug Tests
One of the most frequent questions we answer here at Discover CBD is the question of, “Will this show up on a drug test?” Unfortunately, the answer...

Product Review: 30 mg CBD Lollipop by Green Roads
I was surprised by how much I liked the Green Garden Gold 30 mg CBD lollipop, I enjoyed benefiting from the strong 30 mg dose as well as the subjective experience of two different routes of administration with one product. The flavor was enjoyable as well, especially for a full spectrum product.

Discover CBD store: 3269 S. Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs South Store Number: 719-358-7750
Store Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: 10am - 4pm
We ar...

Valentine's Day Chocolate!
Did you know chocolate can raise your levels of endogenous cannabinoids? You do now! Dark chocolate is not only rich with antioxidants, it also con...

CBD - Infused No Bake Cookies!
Always a favorite here in the store check out this recipe if you are interested in dosing with some gooey no bake cookies instead of a tincture or capsules! While you are at it be sure to bring us some to try!

Discover CBD Store: 1490 S. Sheridan Blvd #106 Denver, CO. 80232
New Denver Location!
Discover CBD has a new location at 1490 S. Sheridan Blvd. #106 Denver, CO 80232. Right at the corner of S. Sheridan Blvd. and...

Why does my Active CBD label look different?
Want to know more about the Active CBD oil brand new packaging and QR codes? Not sure what exactly a QR code is or how to use it?
Check out this informational article on how Active CBD oil is raising the standards for CBD products and what this means for you.

Discover CBD Store: 3438 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs North Store Number: 719-358-7553
Store Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: 10am - 4pm