CBD News

What is Supercritical CO2 Extraction, And Why Does it Matter?
In order to make consumable CBD products, cannabidiol (CBD) must be extracted from hemp plant matter. There are many different methods used for extraction, and they are definitely not all equal. These methods can vary in cost and, more importantly, in the quality of the final product. To make the Active CBD products, we use a method called supercritical CO2 extraction, because we want to provide our customers with the highest quality products, with no risk of leftover solvents. There are cheaper and easier methods out there, but we prefer not to sacrifice quality by cutting costs in this vital area. So, what exactly distinguishes CO2 extraction from other solvent extraction methods?

CBD Infused Spring Vinaigrettes!
With Summer rapidly approaching, this Spring is the perfect time to dress up your favorite salads and meats with light and flavorful dressings! These Vinaigrette recipes will have your taste buds screaming for Spring time and might even be the aid you are looking for to dress up those healthy greens and get that summer body you've been working so hard to achieve!

Spring Into This Trail Review: St. Mary's Glacier
A little review about one of my favorite places to hike not far from Denver, and about 12 miles east of Idaho Springs. If you're an avid hiker and haven't been I highly recommend this hike to anyone.

"Clean-up, Clean-up, Everybody Everywhere!" : March 23rd Palmer Park Trail Clean up with Discover CBD
"Clean-up, Clean-up, Everybody do your share!"
Come and join the Discover CBD Team for our Palmer Park Cleaning Day!
The Discover CBD Team is orga...

New Discover CBD Store in Minnesota to Open Soon!
Exciting news from Discover CBD! Our Discover CBD family is spreading beyond the borders of Colorado into Minnesota. We are pleased to announce there will soon be a Discover CBD location near Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. This will be the first official store to join the Discover CBD family located outside Colorado. We look forward to spreading access to the benefits of CBD and sharing our knowledge in the Twin Cities area.

Discover CBD Store Franchise Information
Hello from Discover CBD! Thank you for the interest in opening your own Discover CBD location! This announcement is to introduce everyone to some background information about the Discover CBD store model, our approach to franchising these locations, and the initial procedure to begin the franchising process.

Valentines Day Recipe: CBD Infused Chocolate Covered Strawberries
CBD Infused Chocolate Covered Strawberries and Bananas for that special someone in your life! Super delicious and easy to make at home!

Facts and Myths Concerning Non-cannabis Cannabinoids
Fact: it is a myth that the same cannabinoids present in cannabis naturally occur in human breast milk or cacao, despite false claims made by some print and online publications. It’s a great headline, but it isn’t true. Let’s go deeper into the facts.

CBD Infused Cucumber and Rosewater Face Mist
Will CBD help with irritated or dry skin? Try out this DIY refreshing and rose scented CBD infused Cucumber and Rosewater Face Mist made with witch hazel as a toner and vitamin E oil for moisture!

Thinking about selling CBD? Start here!
Have you considered getting into the hemp/CBD industry? DiscoverCBD has you covered!

CBD Franchise Options - Coming Soon!
Discover CBD is the largest chain of CBD only stores in Colorado - but we are not stopping there! You can stake your own claim in the booming and e...

Legal Source of Hemp and CBD
Agricultural hemp is federally legal due to the Agricultural Act of 2014, better known as the Farm Bill of 2014, as well as the new Farm Bill of 20...