CBD News

4 Methods For Consuming CBD
Cannabidiol or better known as CBD, takes many forms these days. Not only does this give options for people from all walks of life to find but also...

CBD Oil Varieties, Choices and Differences Explained
What are the differences between all the different kinds of CBD oil?
So you have done your research and decided you want to give CBD oil a shot. Aw...

What are Terpenes?
What gives a plant its smell and taste? Terpenes! Let's take a look at some research and studies conducted on terpenes and cannabinoid working together. How Can this help you? What does 'terpenes' mean? We'll answer all these questions and more

The Top 5 CBD gifts for the holiday season!
Looking for gifts for this upcoming Holiday Season? We explore the option of gifting Bath Bombs, Our NEW Spiced Pear & Clove Lip Balm, Salves, Peppermint Roll-Ons and more! Find out what people are buying an the best products for the Holiday Season!

Discover CBD Now Open In Miami, Florida!
Meet the newest Discover CBD franchise owner Shevonne Dominguez and get a look at the new store in Miami, Florida!

Let's Go Outside : Colorado Springs
"Let's Go Outside" is a new campaign from Discover CBD, encouraging individuals to get ACTIVE and explore the area they live in! "Let's Go Outside"...

Why choose Active CBD Oil?
With the wide range of success stories attributed to CBD, many find themselves urging their family members or friends to try CBD products after fin...

Product Review: Active CBD oil Isolate Slab
The product I will be reviewing in this post is our Active CBD oil isolate slab. If you are not familiar with CBD isolate, this term simply means CBD by itself, with no other molecules.For those wishing to get the most CBD bang for their buck, our CBD isolate powder and slab have always been the products of choice.

So is CBD legal or what?!
CBD is a molecule that is present in both marijuana and industrial hemp. What is the difference between the two though? Well, where CBD is derived ...

Product Review: Active CBD Oil Gold, 1 Gram Syringe
There are many hemp-based CBD oils available in different formats. Recently, our testing teams evaluated CBD Oil Gold, 1 Gram Syringe Active CBD Oi...

Endocannabinoid System – What Is It and Why Do We Have It?
You may have seen a recent Facebook post where bees are being used to make a new type of cannabis infused honey. It’s all the rage lately and has c...