CBD News

Why Should I Try Water Soluble CBG?
When looking for a natural remedy for things like nausea, sleep and pain, CBD tinctures easily come to mind. However, there are other cannabinoids that provide similar and possibly even more effective relief. Today we’ll be taking a closer look at CBG, the mother of all cannabinoids and how using it in a water soluble tincture works compared to CBD.

Water Soluble 101
In the world of CBD products, you’ve probably heard of water soluble CBD. So what is water soluble CBD? Is it just another marketing term, or does it hold validity in the ever expanding world of CBD? In this blog we will talk about the data gathered on water soluble CBD, the potential benefits, and products that could potentially benefit you in some capacity!

Pets and CBD: The Basics and More
Want to give your pet CBD but don’t know where to start? Let us help!

Legal THC IS Now Available Online
Who could have predicted that the 2018 Farm Bill would continue to make waves in the cannabis industry in 2022? The legislation that ushered in leg...

CBD & Outdoor Summer Artwork!
Summertime is the perfect time to get outside, get some fresh air and vitamin D. So why not get a little creative in the sun? Grab a bottle of CBD Living Water to stay hydrated and some sunscreen and let’s get messy in some paints! Below are some fun artistic outdoor activities for you and the whole family!

Roarin' Ribs, How to Make CBD Infused Ribs!
What's better than BBQ ribs on a warm summer night? How about CBD infused mouthwatering, fall off the bone BBQ ribs! Not only is this an amazing treat for you and your friends, but it’s also a great option to alleviate anxiety or stress associated with the sound of fireworks. Celebrate and elevate your Fourth of July weekend with these Texas-style ribs!

Common Myths about CBD
As cannabidiol (CBD) rises in popularity so do myths and misconceptions about the cannabinoid. In recent years more and more positive research has come out about the potential health benefits of CBD but many people are misinformed or have misconceptions about CBD. Some of these myths include the idea that CBD is illegal, CBD gets you high, CBD means ‘good’ but THC means ‘bad’, CBD has no side effects, and CBD is a “cure all” for any issue. This blog will explore each of these points and offer an explanation and information about each of these misconceptions.

Flying with CBD? What you need to know
Cannabidiol (CBD) has many therapeutic effects, such as anxiety reduction and sleep-aid. For these reasons, CBD is becoming a more frequent alternative to aid nervous-flyers. Since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill hemp derived cannabidiol (CBD) has become federally decriminalized in America, and with that traveling guidelines have changed. So what does this mean for you?

How CBD Oil Works in Our Body
CBD works by interacting with numerous receptors in our body. CBD targets receptors in the brain, and other major biological systems. When we talk about health, or the definition of health, we’re referring to your body being in a state of perfect balance, or homeostasis. One of the primary systems in our body that is responsible for regulation is the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the messaging system that helps send signals through the body, and plays a role in maintaining your health (homeostasis). There are three parts to the endocannabinoid system. 1. Endocannabinoids. 2. Receptors. 3. Enzymes.

CBD Facts
Are you new to the CBD world? If so, this article will be a great way to introduce yourself to CBD. If not, it's a lovely reminder of what makes CBD special! Cannabidiol or CBD is a common, naturally occurring cannabinoid that can be extracted from Cannabis and Hemp plants. Although considered psychoactive, it is not intoxicating. It comes in the form of tinctures, gummies, salves, lotion, and much more!

Hemp for CBD versus Industrial Hemp: What's the Difference?
So, What is Cannabis?
For those new to CBD, it is often hard to grasp the difference between traditional cannabis sold at dispensaries and that of...