CBD News

Why choose Active CBD Oil?

FDA Request for Public Comments on CBD and Cannabis Medical Benefits - Please Share Your Experience by April 23rd
Do you have an opinion on the benefits and efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD), medical cannabis, and/or cannabis extracts? The Food and Drug Administration is currently requesting public comment until April 23rd! You personally now have an opportunity to tell the government your experiences - please share your story and any evidence you can provide to back up your claims at the link below:
FDA request for comments on CBD and Cannabis medical benefits until April 23rd here: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=FDA-2018-N-1072-0001

The History of CBD: 10,000 Years and Counting

New Active CBD Oil E-Liquid Vape Additive 1000mg Product Review

"A Tablespoon of Honey a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!"

Product Review: Active CBD oil Isolate Slab
The product I will be reviewing in this post is our Active CBD oil isolate slab. If you are not familiar with CBD isolate, this term simply means CBD by itself, with no other molecules.For those wishing to get the most CBD bang for their buck, our CBD isolate powder and slab have always been the products of choice.

Levi's Watermelon 550 mg CBD E-Liquid Review

Discovering CBD Through Vaping: A Personal Experience

Why you should check out the SOUTH Academy Discover CBD Location!

So is CBD legal or what?!