CBD News
Product Review: Active CBD Oil Capsules
Whether you're new to CBD or a CBD fanatic, you might be wondering if capsules are the right choice for you. This article goes over some information about the Active CBD Oil capsules, and why some prefer capsules over other methods of CBD consumption.
Product Review: Active CBD Oil Lip Balm
Curious about trying our lip balm out? Read this article to find out more about the Active CBD Oil lip balms, as well as some potential ways to get them for free!
Product Review: Active CBD Oil Transdermal Patches
There are so many ways to take CBD, and the options seem to be growing with time. Most people have heard of tinctures, but did you know you can also take CBD by just placing a patch on your skin? Click to read more about the Active CBD Oil transdermal patches!
Product Review: Urbal Activ Cat Treats
Meet your Testers: Snicker and Hobbes These two cats couldn't be more different!
Check out how they enjoyed the Urbal Activ Cat Treats and learn if CBD could be an option for your furry friend.
Product Review: 30 mg CBD Lollipop by Green Roads
I was surprised by how much I liked the Green Garden Gold 30 mg CBD lollipop, I enjoyed benefiting from the strong 30 mg dose as well as the subjective experience of two different routes of administration with one product. The flavor was enjoyable as well, especially for a full spectrum product.
Product Review: CBD 99% Isolate, the Ultimate Versatile Product
Product Review: CBD 99% Isolate, the Ultimate Versatile Product
I know I can’t be the only one who looks for the cheapest, most effective methods w...