A recent study of over 2,000 adults uncovered some striking revelations about modern healthcare systems and the growing shift toward using CBD as an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.
The study looks at two factors that may affect a young adult’s decision to explore CBD instead of turning to the world of Big Pharma. One factor is the ever-worsening problem of hospitals’ inability to provide timely and efficient service to patients seeking immediate help. According to an article published by Open Access Government, “The proportion of … patients seen within four hours has fallen dramatically, leaving many people in need of immediate care waiting for longer periods to be seen.” Another major issue is that people are justifiably concerned about the strength of pharmaceutical drugs and their dangerous side effects.
Here’s some of what was found in the research:
- 30% of the adults in the study (47% of those aged 18-34) are worried that if they approach a doctor about their mental health, they may be prescribed a medication that is far too severe for their symptoms.
- 24% of those in the study prefer to manage their mental health with holistic remedies
- 50% of those aged 18-34 would use CBD oil to manage their mental health
A significant percentage of the population studied are wary of seeking prescription medication for their mental health because of the inefficiency and inefficacy of their healthcare system, and the strength and side effects of pharmaceuticals. A large number of these people would prefer to use CBD, as it can reportedly help treat symptoms of mental illness like anxiety without the harsh side effects associated with prescription drugs.
Simon Manthorpe, image from www.eosscientific.co.uk
Simon Manthorpe, CEO of the chemical testing company Eos Scientific, says “CBD works by affecting the endocannabinoid system and, while further research is still ongoing into the long-term benefits of using CBD to treat anxiety, initial studies suggest that CBD oil has anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects.”
This study was completed in Britain, and is therefore a representation of the British population. However, we can deduce that some of these findings may be consistent with the population of the United States as well. Our healthcare system is far worse than Britain’s (we are ranked dead last compared to other developed countries), so it is reasonable to assume that many people here are likely to explore CBD as an alternative to our abhorrent Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.